Monday, November 16, 2009

Edited Writing is Part of Making a Professional Aurgument

I agree with Jaimee’s argument, in the blog Who let these sublime?, that homosexuals are taxpaying citizens and should reap the benefits like any straight couple. I am very happy to see that Austin, despite being part of a heavily republican state, is making efforts to increase equality. Like she mentions, some people are upset because this is no way close to “fair”, but baby steps ARE steps. This baby step is something to be very proud of, for I thought there was NO way that Austin, because of our location, would be making headway on this issue for a few more years.

My issue and critique comes more from the writing. I say this with the utmost kindness and respect and only mention it because she is majoring Journalism. I expect most people to have poor writing skills because our education system IS failing us and many students get out into the real world without that skill. This is not their fault. But because you, Jaimee, are a Journalism student, and writing will be your occupation, I think it is something that you need to work on. I wrote actively on my highschool newspaper for four years and know Journalistic style. I was awful at writing, so I know it is a learned and practiced skill, not an inherent trait. It is not a good fallback to rely on editors and spell check to do your work. Many of your sentences are fragments because instead of using commas to separate phrases, you put a period. This makes your blogs choppy and confusing, but it is an easy fix. Again, I say this with the utmost respect and kindness.

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